
Notes from the Journey

Dive deep into our curated insights; every piece is a reflection of our passion for design, a mosaic of experience and creativity. Join us on this exploration of interior artistry.

Studio Diaries
About 3 minutes

Blog Brand Consistency Audit Tool

Block1 emphasizes the essential role of colour in reflecting brand consistency in interior design, introducing their Brand Consistency Audit Tool to ensure a seamless resonance of a brand's story throughout design elements, all while crafting spaces that vividly narrate a brand's unique identity.
About 3-4 minutes

Bespoke Design Mood Board

Block1 introduces the intricacies of creating bespoke design mood boards, detailing their approach to capturing vision, style, and brand identity, and emphasizing the mood board's role as the foundational step in realizing interior design dreams
About 3-4 minutes

Essential Lighting Techniques for Every Room

Block1 delves into the transformative power of lighting in interior design, emphasizing its influence on mood, ambiance, and brand identity, and offering techniques to masterfully illuminate spaces."
About 3-4 minutes.

Space Efficiency Calculator

Block1 delves into the transformative power of color in interior design, emphasizing its impact on space efficiency and overall aesthetic.
About 4 minutes.

Design Out of the Block

Laura highlights Block1's unique approach to interior design in London, emphasizing personalized, holistic creations and a wide range of services.

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